Thursday, March 31, 2011

Those days..

*sniff sniff*

yes, i've been having the sniffles for the past 4 days now :( everyone has been quite sick lately due to the terrible weather while some of us got it from sharing the air we breathe in. i'm prettyyyyy sure i've spread me germs to some unlucky dude already since i haven't been skipping any classes :( sorry. i rarely get sick, like at max twice a year? so this is probably a treat :D hahahaha! who am i kidding. nobody likes falling sick. it drains the hell outta ya! physically and mentally. no duh, it explains how i've been attending college looking like a zombie for this whole week. so if you've seen a pale looking slop around uni, yeah that's me.

okay hold on needa get some tissue for me nose... *runsss*

back! so where was i? hmm anyway it's just me having the flu nothing big, i'm gonna live :)


one in a million

time to take my meds,

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