Friday, May 27, 2011



this tough cookie has finally gotten her first belt :3

i might have looked really calm while receiving it but in actual fact i was jumping up and down deep down inside and probably grinning my heart away. taking this achievement as a really big stepping stone into being a great fighter. it is . a lot of people ask me 'what made you join kickboxing?' i would usually just say 'cause i enjoy it' well honestly since i'm typing out right now and therefore allows me to think a little more, i'd have to say it's probably the intensity of it that i love. how it feels when i am throwing a punch or building up a roundhouse kick, how your body isolates into the movement. two words, adrenaline rushing. and most importantly, i never fail to enjoy myself during training and it's all thanks to the Awesome people around me.

oh and btw i got a double promo, means i skipped red belt. sorry i just had to brag ;) *chuckles*

would like to take this opportunity to thank Master Bathi for being there to coach me every step of the way and most importantly making me smile and to always looking forward to every training session. you soooo ROCKS Master! ;)

it is 8.24am right now, time to get ready for class. :)

ps: i know i've been missing for almost a month now but i'm definitely gonna be blogging often as my streamyx is back and since 1 month of my life has been missed out, there's gonna be loads of back dated posts coming your way ;) stay tuned! xx

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