Friday, September 24, 2010

Lakeside Library

Hasn't been such a great day for me, well all emotions aside now. Let's talk about something a little happier! :) lets start with Tae Yang's hotness. I know the Big Bang fever in me faded quite an amount but how can I stop the Tae Yang obsession right? Cmon, JUST LOOK AT HIM!!

He's is definitely Oozing out sex.

Yeah well Chris, I hate to admit that I Need a Girl is pretty much STUCK in my head -.- I guess I will have to eat back my words saying that I don't like it cause it's so damn chessy! But it's actually really catchy, the beat and that body. woah! :) you win lah babi u LOL

This software, Visual Studio took up half of my day just downloading it! It's 4pm and I'm all alone in the library. I mean there are people but of course everybody is minding their own business so it does feel much loneliness. sigh. Wishing you were here.

I can't wait to test out my Zodiac sign program and see if it works perfectly! I need to be happy at least once today right? Gimme some satisfaction lah.

Should I call my dad now to pick me up? hmm. Just awhile more :) never stayed back till this late before so might as well just enjoy the view from here. Will just grab a Subway laters :) first meal of the day. Pathetic much? Gonna get gastritis man. -.-

Will continue on my first-meal-of-the-day later on!



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