Thursday, March 25, 2010

My Love Affair With Food

Kesha's Blah Blah Blah song is soooooooooooooo gooooddddddddd and appropriate to get high and hyper on! AWESOME lyrics to it too :D "just show me where your dick at" 0.0 "so just hush, baby shut up" HAHAHAHahhahahahA!


1. to have a satifying Korean BBQ meal.

2. to chewwww those yummmyyyy Pearls *heaven*

3. FRENCH FRIES! with chhheeesseee :D

4. Delicious' hot and spicy wings! (they make the BEST!! MUST TRY!!)

5. Delicious' spicy seafood spaghetti! (healthy and deeeeellliicious, i practically order that all the time!)

6. Snowflake :D

HEHE i sound like a fattina :D oh well.


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