Saturday, September 18, 2010

Melizen, 7th =)

Monthsary, have you ever heard of that word before? because the last time I read that on Facebook I thought it was a joke, like maybe he/she made it up. Who knew, I Google-d it and Boom! Happy Monthsary's everywhere. 970,000 results on that alone. Yeah I'm a bit slow.
*flips hair*

Especially young teens in love tend to have the need to celebrate that significant date every month. Truthfully, when you're right up there on cloud 9 you won't want to come down because it's always greener on that side. Lots of love, Mushy wushy convos, Hugs and kisses and just more&more of those! no details for the public lah XD

Anyway, confession confession! Zen and I do celebrate our monthsary, every 7th of the month :) we'd normally just go out for the whole day. Just a simple day out paktoh-ing :) nothing so extraordinary.

Lz and I are pretty much like complete opposites in terms of our personalities. I'm the Tom Yam and he's the Hamburger HAHAHAHA!

But we do have one thing in common :)

Our retardedness! and we are proud of it :D HAHA!

Most of the time we can actually read each others minds, yeah that's how well we both know each other. Quite scary in a way but so thrilling at the same time!

At Signature GSC, waiting to enter the cinema. Step Up 3!

an awkward pose just for You babe!


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