Yes, I'm back to being an active blogger. My disappearance has it's reasons and one of them was because that there's some stupid error with my blog page and I still can't seem to figure it out. I think I'd need somebody's help :( any of you who are blog spot savvy would like to help me? need it badly, pretty much frustrating the hell out of me right now seeing my blog in this condition, yeah that's why I didn't blog cause when I look at it I wanna cry T.T.. I can't click the link to my Older Posts at the bottom of the page and I'm not able to even locate gadgets on the sidebar! Damn tulan okay? pfft. hmm my complains will just stop here before my mood goes the extreme and also because i don't wanna bore you with my rants, mmhmm least now it looks a lil bit better since i have modified it zzz.
Never mind that, I'm proud to announce that I've finally gotten my driving license :) yeap passed my driving test on my first attempt which was quite a breeze and now I am licensed to kiiiieeeel ;) Don't think I'll be getting a car of my own anytime soon, but it's okay :) don't think it's really necessary for me to get one right now anyway. I'm grateful that I have no transport problems of any kind. Mom and Dad are usually always keen to take me places and not forgetting Mr. Chiam ;) The best part is I'm allowed to drive their cars :O

surprisingly a decent picture :)
Since the one week holidays have started all I usually ever think about is my work, yet I can't get myself to touch them. How shall I motivate myself? or how am I gonna snap out of it and stop procrastinating?

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