College starts tomorrow, feeling neither happy nor sad, hmm what am i saying? i'm bloody sad the holidays are OVER :( and i just viewed my timetable and you have no idea how screwed up it is, my goodness. 8 in the morning till 6 in the evening? wahliaoehhhhh. wanna suck our brains to the max? drain out till we won't have the energy to do anything afterwards. HAHA exaggerated much. anyway, not to mention the LONG hours of break 9am-2pm, 12pm-4pm. -.-zzzZ omg i am such a whiner. a silent one anyway :P
no late nights FOREVER! gotta wake up at 8 in the morning every weekday :( *sniffs* i guess this means, i need to be more discipline but that's very much impossible. lol hey i am a teenage with a fun filled life so i can't be sleeping at 9pm, can i? aih. will just suffer during facial sessions like always haha.
off i go before mom screams -.-
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