Wang Lee Hom's showcase that was held at One Utama to promote his new album :) it was quite an epic event for the fans and also the non-fans. Overall, the whole showcase was quite a disappointment to me, maybe because my expectations were a bit higher? anyway.. Why I say so? well he only sang one song, the infamous Ni Bu Zhi Dao De Shi. yeah that was about it! after waiting an hour under the scorching sun and not being able to breathe properly in the stuffy crowd! one miserable song? damn. felt kinda cheated in a way. And i even heard some of the fans waited since morning :S till that extend? how insane! it was supposed to start at about 6pm but ended up starting at around 7 ish.
But ya know what? to me that was just one small tiny winy problem cause as long as he was there for me to lean on and just be there for me, I was one happy girl :)
A very lucky one as well :D

without me knowing, he got me his album the day before the showcase :'( shooooo sweet! huh? it also came with a limited edition key that you can actually take to the key maker dude to have it shaped :) pretty awesome stuff. Oh and i also got a poster :D
thank you sooooooooo very much babyboy :)

camwhored like mad! what? it was quite a long ride wokays :P

not sure why i like this picture of us but we seem so happy :)

HAHAHA! babe u look like er..... :) just smile next time okay? :D

this boyfriend of mine, woah i salute! he carried me up so that i could watch LeeHom sing on stage cause we were both practically blocked by everybody in front of us! couldn't see for shytz lah. wtf. was quite the tu lanz. anyway, what i had captured...

pathetic? haha :( i know.

that's about it, these two pictures of two tiny LeeHom's :D
but woah look at the number of cameras phones! kewl.

at that point i wanted to be his height :(

you stick to that guy over there and he will do whatever it takes to go all the way for you haha! nah not you, just me :D
we were one of the first 20 to get an autograph! don't ask how ;)

the one who got the chance to see him up close :) it seemed like a dream at first.

Churros! coated with cinnamon :3 ohhhhmygawd.
HEAVEN I TELL YA! craving for him now. dammit.

Funnel cake topped with caramel and chocolate, well i don't recommend it though.
quite a waste of money. just order different types of churros :)
they could have tasted better if they hadn't over fry it :(

i spy with my little eye, some chi yok!!
diet and dance. that's what imma do :) will need to deprive myself.. aih.

fans were still queuing up for his autograph when we were on our way back home, we wind down the windows and blasted Ni Bu Zhi Dao De Shi :D everyone gazed at us like we were celebs. chey!
well that's all folks! just for now that is :)
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