For one week my grand aunt also known as my "ee poh" and her adorable maid stayed over at my place since they came down from Penang for the hols. I honestly enjoyed their company while it lasted. Sometimes it's really nice having other people in the house besides the 3 of us. The house doesn't seem so quiet and boring!

my ee poh who claims herself as an "indian". loves her hindi movies and especially the ones staring Sharrukhan (btw she dreamt of him last night *ehem*) haha!

SARI! my best friend for the week, she is so TINY but a real tough cookie!
oh yes, this was one hilarious moment that i have gotta share with all of you even though most of you guys already NOTICED!
the one and only JUN turned from a coconut head.....

to mr EGG/BOTAK/RAJA's BUTT?? *err* HEAD!!!! HAHAHA!
dude! you guys should have seen my reaction when i saw him!
mel: *stares...points and laughs like CRAZEEEE!!*
jun: *gives the typical jun's "cute" look*
mel: omg JUN!!! now i can see ur round and chubby face sooooo CLEARLY!
jun: *feelin so insulted*
aww ur still sexy Jun! we love you <3 :D

nights y'll
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