9 months of baring up with leftovers getting stuck between my braces, not forgetting the continuous sufferings of getting cuts and ulcers as big as my pi kang sai! HAHAHA no lah omg, just saying :P if you don't know what that means, just continue reading ;) to be honest, i actually got really used to wearing braces so it was pretty much a love hate relationship. i loved them being as tight as possible because i'm vain! tighter equals having to get rid of it faster and therefore the pain is really nothing but just a pinch.
anyway all i wanna say is that I SOOOO GLAD THEY HAVE BEEN TAKEN OFF!!! like foreva :) no more awkward facial expressions when about to snap a picture cause i'm way too shy to show off my grills. pfft. nothing can stop me from grinning anymore!
hope these won't haunt you in your sleep :B

WOKAY! think these are enough to make your eyes bleeeeeeeed :3
on that day itself i got to have my favourite TomYam! trust me, Amarin in Megamall serves the best clear tom yam goong! tom yam expert over here, hello hello.

don't be deceived by it's CLEARNESS!
will sting ya HARD! ;)

mommy and i, I WUV YOU heaaappsss :)

the luckiest girl over there, you'll know why in the next post!

this what my mom has been busy with, pwetty plants which are so cny feel :)

yummy treats from Japan! thank you Tien :)
okay i want to sleep now so, GOODNIGHT!
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