We managed to warm up the seats on the first day of its opening :)
Starbucks on campus, superb!

Woah my lips look so thick here they look like sausages! nyek nyek.

Kevin acting cute at the back there! :D SOOO KAWAII :O
Look how they're so blardy engross with Plants VS Zombies! If you're wondering, it's a game where Plants VS Zombies lah, what else? LOLOL

Sai Keet, the annoyance in the class :) what you don't know is the real annoyance is one with the face of a creepy doll :D

see! I annoy my mates like hell :P HAHA! this is Kevin, I call him Cabin to annoy him :) see what I mean?

Chester and half of Douglas :O I annoyed them when they were playing poker!
edit: OMG IT'S FRANKIE! not Douglas! HAHA SORRY LAH :(

Here's Darren, well this is a little different! he annoys me most of the time =.=
Call him gay and he'd prolly give ya a grin :)

FIC ruling Starbucks at Lakeside ;)
Realize how all my expressing are the same in every picture? Don't ask me why cause I have no idea either! Was on hyper mode that time :P hehe.
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