Thinking that by leaving at 5:30pm would be early to avoid the jam on the road, well the traffic was alright pretty smooth and everything, but who knew the jam was in front of KL Life Center. the line was crazycipatlong so Chris and I decided not to line up because there won't be a point standing there like a dunggu for godknowshowlong -.- i even heard that the ones who were right in front came at about 8am just to wait? okay, maybe not so surprising but honestly i never expected this many people to come so early. cmon we are Malaysians! the phrase "fashionably late" has always been in our dictionaries since we were in diapers. pfft. gah, guess that only applies when attending weddings and birthday parties :3

this was where we were suppose to line up :O siao or not?
after a minute i went off to the front to see if i could squeeze myself in the front
haha course that failed.
people were standing behind the grill fence, they were like packed in like sardines o.o
they mentioned that 35 people fainted!

ended up not lining up :)

the people who were sardinified started shouting "T-SHIRT FIRST! T-SHIRT FIRST!"
apparently somewhere was stated that fans who wore their Beast tee would get to go in first :D and thankfully i brought them shirts! :D

mystery mystery...

made it to the very front of the stage :3

they camwhored while singing
Oasis it was suuuppperrr cute! especially Yang Yoseub.

gahhhhh Adorable creatureeeesss! :3 Doo Joon and Son Dongwoon :)

Jang Hyun Seung the pretty boy :)

love Jun Hyung the most because of this attitude and style on stage! :)
especially when he starts rapping. hot much.

when jealousy sucked the life out of all of us! :( they sang Oasis to her, it was a lucky draw. they even camwhored! she looked quite lost though haha. i think if i were to be in her shoes, those boys won't be going back to Korea haha! *kidnaps*

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