Crews from Taiwan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Laos, Thailand, Singapore and our very own Malaysia battled amongst each other on the floor! they totally burned the floor with their hot skillful moves! wished i had their agility :) it was held at the same venue as the Korean Wave Contest, KL Live. wasn't part of the plan to attend this event because i already promised my mom that i would attend a birthday party with her, well thankfully she's understanding and she loves me oh so much HEHE :3 i still went for the birthday party at around 1030pm though, parents came to pick me up after their dinner and we went straight off to PJ for Randall's 21st!
2 free tickets were given to me, unfortunately one ticket went to waste! :3
The Crews!
Giller Battle (Malaysia)
Wakaka Fever (Malaysia)
Rebelz In Rhythym (Indonesia)
Big Toe (Vietnam)
Laobangfai (Laos)
99 Flava (Thailand)
Soulfresh (Taiwan)
Floor Techniques (Singapore)
Champs were Big Toe from Vietnam! :) the hottest B-boys EVER :D
was i too loud? hahahaha! :D lamelame. ahhhhh :)

lucky me who found the PERFECT spot to sit by the balcony railing where they placed the spot light on a some sort of platform!
my legs were about to die standing among the crowd when i was down there! *points*
the Korean dude on the stage has a very awesome natural American accent :)
he even raps! coolgeekylooking fella who was carrying a backpack the whole entire time he was emceeing.

Everyone looking so gorgeous!
this is what i call awesome camera skills! hehe :)

Finals, Taiwan Vs Vietnam *jeng jeng jeng*

can you do that? ;)

S Turtle! :D that was written at the back of his shirt, guessing that's his nickname :)
i have a video of him showing off his skills, might just post it up when i can!

Koreans who have
INSANELY MAD popping and locking skillz! *salute*

look at how happy Chris is when he is next to me :) SIGH. :D ecstatic.

Leon and I with his not-sleepy face! HAHAHA yeah that looks really wide awake alright :)

with the Celebrity Fitness' Hawt Ladies ;)

CUTE CUTE CUTE! the best looking Taiwanese B-boy that i was lucky to find while i was on my way down! AHHHH :D
Mel: can i take a picture with you? *GRINS*
B-boy: you wanna take a picture with me? 0.0
Mel: yes yes! :D
B-boy: okay :D
Mel: thank you :) seeya!
B-boy: (okay i don't remember what he said but i'm sure it was something nice BAHAHAHA sigh. syok sendiri much?)
Chris: aiyooohhhhhhhhh!!! -.-''''
shooo cute leh? :3

the last picture of Us :)
the group of boys who we asked to take a picture for us were extremely and weirdly shy 0.0
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