Today shall be the one and only day i will be bumming around at home and won't be out gallivanting the streets. It feels great to have everything going so smooth and well these past few weeks. Everything as in my big performance for Aia's Mega Sales Congress and also not forgetting the 31st Cut Above Anniversary dance performance. It's really heart fulfilling when i am able to do what i want without having to think about anything else and just doing my darn-est in it, which is to Dance. I really hope that more of these kind of events will be lining up for me in the near future! Although i feel a tad bit stressful at times when going through the process of it all everything is good at the very end. What's ironic is that everything or anything a person does, stress would usually come in the picture because what we want is to achieve or in my case, to put on the Best show. I always go all out whenever i am on stage, no doubts about that. Just oozing out all that feeling and emotions through just listening to the beat and rhythm of the music is the best feeling ever! nothing else can beat that feeling whenever i am on stage.
Lady Gaga's Just Dance was what i danced to in this picture.

have a nice weekend everybody :)
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