Awesome Memories at Taylor's PJ Campus :'( *sniff*

wooots! ;)

we planned to scare Darren who was on his way to the Annexe but it failed quite bad, we ended up scaring each other HAHA!


KAPOW! LIKE NO OTHER! hahaha fun times.

woooah Dougie's Alien ware 0.0

The Annexe is what i miss the most actually :3

Mamak moments!

aww! the library where the boys used to play their games and chill in the cubicles while i camwhore or do my work of course ;)

Nicholas and Xian bringing sexy back :D

the one who always winks in pictures haha i realized :D

Dawgie :D

Head scarf day! :3

Kieran's anime version of me :)
lopsided boob! HILARIOUS.

at My Cafe, just a 5 minute walk from LCS :)
that's my favourite grandson Sai Keet! realized how the rice is GREEN! lol


Our first day together :)
wow, it felt like just yesterday when we were freshmen sitting in the hall where everyone looked like strangers. us girls would spotting or looking out for hotties in the room. same goes to the guys. all the anxiety and excitement in meeting new people and making new buddies. everyone dreaded staying at Leisure Commerce Square, let me list out a few main reasons why.
1. everything in the building is relatively old and rundown.
2. it can be quite unsafe as there are not only students in the building but outsiders as well. (this point in mainly for the hot chicas ;)
3. the air con vents were designed in a way that its facing on the inside of the building, so when walking across that part of the building, you would feel maximum heat and basically a lot of dust particles. not a very pleasant feeling.
4. people smoke at every possible corner!!!!! tsk.
5. the computer labs practices bad ergonomics.
6. the toilets stink quite bad. (the one in the computer labs smells of dried saliva. haha)
7. hygiene level not at it's top notch. not even close.
These are just the few. despite it's imperfection I miss that place :) we have left a part of us there. During our time studying at LCS we started to love the place! we even came to a point where we didn't wanna shift :3 yeap that's how comfortable we were there. besides the fact that there is a 711 and the waffle/bubble tea stall there! not forgetting our chill-out spot, LEVEL 7 :D love AQ (pool, snooker and foosball outlet/cafe) except for it's terribly smoked up environment -.- but you get used to it after awhile, so its all good :) the parameter of the place is way smaller which means, LESS walking and LESS sweat. Now in Lakeside, sweat shall be my permanent feature on my face :D damn it. Anyway, I'll have to get used to the new environment and get to familiarize with the place :) everything is going well so far!

More excitement and memories we shall create here in the Lakeside Campus :)