Our Ee Jasmine, the aunt that apparently whom i look like, she has been inviting us all to take a trip down and stay over at her place for the hols since ages ago, but every year i would give the same excuse, " i want!!! ask mom lah!" :D so Singapore here we come Ee! :D
and i heard from my cousin that there are 3 new shopping complexes!!!!!! ahhh there goes my money :( so i spend my dollars wisely ;) if that's possible! HAHAHA the last time i spent a lip balm from Kiehls and it cost me 35 frigging bucks! it's okay! haha my favourite mint flavour with a menthol feel! PERFECT! :D so i guess i did spend me money wisely after all! HAHAHA what a consolation.
Pavilion, Pavilion and more Pavilion!!!
we had dinner, just the three of us at Madam Kwan!
The next day, Kist organized an outing to Pavilion for a movie, I finally got to watch New Moon and yes it wasn't as great as the book but it was still awesome :D Taylor Lautner was well, BREATHTAKING!!!! oh wow. :D
damn you Taylor Swift!!! *sings You Belong With Me* ahahaha!
oh and guess what we had for lunch? :D MADAM KWAN!! that fussy pot Olive wanted to be posh and not eat at the food court so we ended up in Madam's :) so lz, via and i went there to have a feast!
damn you Taylor Swift!!! *sings You Belong With Me* ahahaha!
oh and guess what we had for lunch? :D MADAM KWAN!! that fussy pot Olive wanted to be posh and not eat at the food court so we ended up in Madam's :) so lz, via and i went there to have a feast!
i have no idea why but he looks like he is wearing a very long red dangling ear ring on his left ear HAHAHAHA damnnn. :P please don't eat me ;)
well once again you're on my blog after a year? :)
Via had her i have no idea flavour :D AWESOME! lol
ohoh and that's my dad's reflection taking a picture for us! he was in front of Times and spying on us thank goodness we were as sharp to spot his big belly :D
Aman and Yayha are Kist's "little" brothers and Rashad is their neighbour :D dontcha wish to have brothers like these? *shivers* :P their funny though pfft.
yes Aman you are a GIANT!!!! 0.0 and his only 15? so can you imagine when he turn 20? *dies*
at about 10pm our shopping had to end :( boohoo! butttt! our camwhoring never ends!! :D
Pavilion is so beautifully done up for Xmas! it's great how they bother to lift up the Xmas spirit for everyone :D unlike KLCC with their Purple BALLS! *yawns* lol
this is Kist and Via trying to be me but Failed tremedously ofcourse :D
keep it up my darlings, you guys might get it right the next time!
hahahahaaaa i know you still wuvvvv me! ;)
i feel the loveeee! :)
aw totally love this picture you guys! :D they look so sexy smexy being me right? *wink*
Kissy and I, she's the one who is always bother to "layan" me no matter how boring my smses are and whenever i'm emo or down. thank you my darlllliiingg! :)
i wuvvv you!
the three of us from different worlds we combine into a trio of a start of great friendship! :)
there you go! a must do whenever we are at Pavilion's toilet! all hail the super large mirror!
adios! see ya in Singapore!
xoxo, Mel
keep it up my darlings, you guys might get it right the next time!
hahahahaaaa i know you still wuvvvv me! ;)
i wuvvv you!
adios! see ya in Singapore!
xoxo, Mel
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