in actual fact, i am a cat who wishes to have 9 lifes... okay. random much!
anyway i should actually be studying some ICT stuff but i'm not right now, taking a break? hehe!
yeap! finallyyyyy, my last paper! ICT. cmon' mel i know you can do it! MAINTAIN THE FREAKING A!!! 0.0 *fingers cross* sigh. the pressures on me bloody hell. and how i can even party well after trials when i have a ping pong (pimple) smacked RIGHT in the middle of my lip crease == it's not only fug it's so painfully annoying as i can't rub my nose like i always do! vigorously. lol.
so trials are over soon but spm is just RIGHT around the corner. no stress no stress no stress.... HAHAHA. =( must MUST push myself to the max! ping pongs or no ping pongs~

AWEESSSOMMMEEEEEEEE!!! all cheerleaders and all dance lovers have gotta watch this! damn! why can't we Malaysians be like them?

i watched a few parts of this movie on YouTube but ofcourse owning the DVD would satisfy my soul for dancing HAHA wth.
Center Stage 2, Turn It Up!
the main actress is co-staring in Bring it On btw. one of the bitches lol! super exaggerated bimboness. trust me! but in this movie it's the opposite! she's sweet and nice =) and her dancing is really what i love, something i would wanna do! =)
super great for solos!
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