Friday, March 13, 2009

A whole day of all that...

Today a big group of us Sri Gardeners attended KLASSMUN, which stands for Kuala Lumpur's Alice Smith School, Model United Nations!

Costa Rica babyyyyy! haha!

well in my opinion day 1 was honestly boring! i almost fell asleep during the debate == oh i'm upset they didn't give us name tags! probably it's because we didn't pay any fee?! hmmm...

but there are always the SUPER FUN parts :D
which were...
gossiping and having freakingawesomesmoresum conversations on our long journey back to school at the back of the bus!!! scandalous and vulgar! what can i say? we had a korean in the bus! hahahaha jk :)
the driver even stopped the bloody bus to tell us off, well he just said "HELLO!!!" HAHAHAHA! pretty much knew what he was hinting at :P sorry la uncle, what to do? we are TEENAGERS :D at one point he kept shouting at us in chinese! "bu yao BLA BLA BLA" == haha and he stared at us alot too! must have been all the improper language we were using, not only that.. we spoke at the very top of our voices like nobody's business! LOL
having these bus-conversations is what we do! a MUST kinda thing! especially when we have all the RIGHT people! you know who you babis are! :D

anyway, SGMUN was much more fun in comparison :)

with ms. awesomenesssss! XD

i know, awkward! buttock to buttock pose, rawr!

the most disturbing couple alive! LOL

aww, zhao expressing his love!

bus fun!

picture of the day! PRICELESS! please do open this picture to have a closer look at their FAB expressions :D

well i thought of not going for tomorrows conference but i think it's only fair to finish up what i've started :) so here i come! more masturDEBATING tomorrow! HAHAHA! some dude came up to us and said....

dude: see ya guys tomorrow for more MASTURDEBATING!
me: 0.0!!! *lmao*

damn, that was a good one!

gosh what a long day without you! sigh..


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