peace and
love baby

picture perfect.

this dress was given to me as a birthday present last year from jian rick and william, yes! can you imagine them having such great taste? hahaha looks can be deceiving i guess :) well let me share with you a little story... it's pretty straight forward and simple. they got me one size wayyyy too big including this outfit lz got me as well. both were from Forever 21. tsk, naughty boys thought i was fat or something ==, so anyway i told them about the problem and the next day lz and i went to exchange sizes for both the outfits. after looking high and low for the dresses, i finally found the right sizes for both dresses but lz told me to get something i personally liked myself so i went around looking for something i liked and being myself, super fickle minded couldn't find the perfect outfit! omg that was the very first time ive ever felt so stressed out when im SHOPPING! hahahahaha! poor guy was just following me around and at the same time complaining how slow i was just to pick something but hey! there were way too many to pick. anyway to cut the long story short, we spent 2 over hours in Forever 21 HAHAHA some record eh? :P yes yes well eventually i did find what i really liked la after modeling in and out of the changing room lol pretty fun though!

love u, u lil brat!
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