Mom: something is waiting at home for u! your FAVORITE!
Mel: *half a sleep* == a camera????????!
Mom: i don't know, you go home and see for yourself.
Mel: ohhh it's a camera for sure! *celebrates inside :D:D:D:D*
OH yeah! my daddy bought me a Gold Canon IXUS 870 IS for me birthday!!!! gawdddd i'm sooo happy that i don't ever have to face any troubles of taking perfect shots anymore! my previous camera was a sony and it was the definition of lousy, i do not recommend anyone to buy a sony camera! period. even though sony digital cameras are slick and colourful, they don't catch my eye anymore because i know how unfriendly and MEAN they can be grr.
and ohh kim, you don't have to bore me with your "grandmother" naggings anymore to get a new camera! YAY! :P
sigh, holidays are finally here but why don't i feel how i'm suppose to feel? haha i guess i'll miss you guys!
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