purple mask
green ish gold mask
Though this holidays hasn't been all like i would have wanted it to turn out, i still had my own fun! tagging along with my mother the whole next was always better than bumming and wasting precious time at home, you could say i should stay at home to study...! but if there is an excuse to go out and not stay at home...why not? lol even if i had to wait 2 over hours for her during her meetings with clients! ahhh i can still feel my back aching! the chair i sat on for 2 hours killed meeee! wooden piece of shyt! lmao. my mind was full with all kinds of thoughts, very random ones. iphone in my hands, ear phones plugged in. secretly taking pictures of myself. thankfully no one else were there with me besides the bored receptionist who was busy reading the daily papers.

hmm nah the day wasn't all that gloomy! right after her meeting we fled to The Curve! our tummies grumbling and whining. as soon as we got there, we walked along the stretch where it was FOOD HEAVEN!
Bubba Gump it was! Famous for its SHRIMPS! yummmy....
Has anyone watched the movie Forrest Gump, starring Tom Hanks? i have not watched it either :P anyway, the onwer loved the movie soooo much she opened this restaurant which everything was related to Forrest Gump! :D really cool concept don't cha think?!

a cute shrimp no?


when you need service, you tell them to STOP!!

and when u don't want to be disturbed, u tell them to RUN! TEE HEE!


mom's linguine shrimp dish!

first time seeing sooo many different brands of hot sauce!
(they're all glued to the shelf, so don't even think about stealing :P)

this one caught my eye! 'Jump up and Kiss me' at the bottom it says Hot Sauce with Passion ;)
the infamous Fish and Chips! damn it was so fresh i didn't have to use knife!
(thats not real newspaper btw)

walked across to ikea after our very satisfying meal.
this picture clearly expresses my love for you!! :D
and finally.....the picture of the week!

de 'A' pose! oh yeah baby! im in! :D
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