yup yup, ur now a sixteen year old young LADY! :D isn't it awesome??
Well we had a surprise party planned out for her today, actually Sachie the fab made it all happen :D of course not forgetting Sue yii and gang for drawing all those wishes on the huge stickers :D Sach got her a cake which was yummy orea and CUPCAKES! Wow, im jealous. Aiza, you've got such wonderful friends! hehe :D lucky gurl!
Mich said i smelled like FOOD, goodness haha!
I'm so so glad she LOVES my gift :D wanna know what i got her? hehehe, I bought her a Roxy blouse last Sunday. It's pretty!
thats me! cool concept, don't ya think?
Sue yii, the great cake cutter HAHA -.-
well even though she almost dropped a slice lol

well even though she almost dropped a slice lol
whoops, someone ate the 'H', i was too late :P
Terrific NEWS People!
Terrific NEWS People!
Just heard from Carmen darling at around 6pm that THEY WON the 1st place for Choral speaking!! How freaking amazing is that huh?! Out of like 6-8 private schools :D I'm disappointed i didn't get to support them. ah well! anyway....
Congrats to all who participated!!! WOOT! Sri Garden RULES :D
Love, Mel
Congrats to all who participated!!! WOOT! Sri Garden RULES :D
Love, Mel
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