Okay, back to the conference. It was held at Taylors College, this conference was only between Taylors and Sri Garden. I know right, we were debating with a bunch of college students! They we not so intimidating cause they were all newbies like me! I was the delegate of Portugal! hehe, Sri Garden has been involved with MUN for over 3 years now. The experienced peeps are Zubin, Saiful, Suzuki, Hera, Antonio, Kist, and a few others who i don't quite remember at the moment.
The first day was the best i must say! ESPECIALLY in the bus! gosh, i had the GREATEST LAUGH!! LOL *chokes* lawl!
Here are some pics!
very sexy Saiful XD
Hanim seducing the cam :P and Irfan err. hahaha!
Jack who was the most Passionate speaker btw he is only 13 going on 14, i know right.. and Steven HAHA! love that expression of urs Steve!

Saiful, Suzuki and Irfan!
Kist and I, at this point we were having a wild time at the back of the bus!! *wink*
Shaun, hahaha! now he had a great laugh :D
Delegates :D
HER NAME IS MELISSA TAN as well 0.O haha! so cool eh :D
*cough cough* Hera and Jack, haha! i wonder what were they talking abt, kinda forgot lol
Joshua, the delegate of Myanmar! a very confident young man :)
Suzuki: whoops! i blocked ur face HAHAHA!
=.= the Kiosk kings Saiful and Suzuki hehe
they love the bus this MUCH!
Hanim seducing the cam :P and Irfan err. hahaha!
Jack who was the most Passionate speaker btw he is only 13 going on 14, i know right.. and Steven HAHA! love that expression of urs Steve!
Antonio looking very FORMAL.. tsk tsk, Mr. last minute :D
a very pretty picture of Kist!
hahaha! wooo, don't look at me like that Raja! lol
we're ready to roll!
My partner in crime lol =.=
the Delegate of Portugal!
Zubin, our cool President :D
the Delegate of Portugal!
=.= the Kiosk kings Saiful and Suzuki hehe
The last time i saw YOU Mr. basketball player! hehe, well i bet u are having a ball of a time in Australia right now!! I'm so jealous, i really wish it was me migrating to Aus instead :( haha oh well. Joshep, even if u meet new and more exciting ppl over there.. dont u dare forget MOI alright! :D and u said it YOU ARE GONNA MISS ME teehee :D
Jo and sweaty me haha! oh well at least he looks great with his PERFECT SMILE! :D
thats it for now.
ciao :D
ciao :D
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