Saturday, December 27, 2008
With heartfelt condolences
i will always remember you as the funny guy, the one who always made me laugh and smile.
the sweet memories of you,
when you wore just a singlet and a pair of boxers to the school's 'King and I' play, gosh that was hilarious and the best part you looked soooooooo cute in them.
when i coincidentally met you at KLCC, your smile was always oh so happy and full of excitement.
and the last time i saw u, at prom when we just wave and smile at each other.
may you rest in peace, Adi.
i will miss u.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
I'm such a joker
Mel says: no im not listening
Mel says: HAHAHA
(R) says: excuse me?
(R) says: ohhhh
(R) says: i get it
Mel says: hahahahahaha
Mel says: ==
Mel says: HAHA
(R)says: come on
Mel says: ....woohoo! catch a falling star and put in ur pocket nv let it fade away..
Mel says: hahahahhaa
(R) says: BIMBO!!!!!!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Midnight Sneak Out
its 1:47am and im indulging myself with this really good pasta my grandma made, it contents mushroom, corn, chili, squid and other seafood stuff! HAHA! tomato based. at this point im hyper and all ready to start my day with a big smile on my face! this is mostly caused by me over sleeping yesterday. woke up at about 10 in the morning then i went back to sleep at about 3pm. woke up seeing it was dark.. no duh! it was 730pm when i woke up. gawd what a pig i am hahaha! well i still can give u a great excuse though! im still recovering from a flu... plus i was encouraged to sleep by my mom so i took advantage of the situation. *grins*
Sunday, November 30, 2008
I want an Edward Cullen, he is perfect.....but he doesn't exist.
holidays has been wonderful so far! although i feel a big fat guilt in me for not studying at all this whole month so i've made a promise to myself that when December starts, i'll start opening my books and TRY to absorb as much knowledge as i can as a slight preparation for next year. i hope what i just said will materialize and will not be forgotten haha.
To everyone who hasn't watched Twilight, YOU have got to watch it!!!!! i've read the book and it made me LOVE the movie soooo much more! I went to watch it on Thursday. went to Kist's place to have lunch first with the whole "volleyball" gang! and apparently they only played for 10 minutes == wtf right hahahaha! i didn't join them for vball because i was down with a bad sore throat and cold. i was quite antisocial the whole day cause of it, you know how i'm usually all bubbly and talkative :D Kist calls that noisy. =='' BUT i know she loves me noise!! LALALALA :D hehe.. btw i'm as healthy as a bee can be now!!!! LOL if that makes sense? :D
you should have seen how Kist and i were salivating over Edward in the cinemas! even the crowd were squealing and omg-ing whenever Edward appeared on the huge screen and obviously they were all Twilight fanatics like us! damn. loads of scenes were frigging orgasmic!! excuse me, mind my language..but its so true! we made pretty unnecessary noises which made the couple beside us giggle! they definitely had a good laugh at us all right haha!
WARNING!!!! (spoiler)
Baseball Scene
When Muse - Supermassive Black Hole started to play.....
Kist: *all the excitement in her* OMG!!!!! MUSEEEE! *starts singing*
Mel: *amazed by how Vampires play baseball* omg this is like exactly how they described it in the book!!!!
Kist: *still singing* omg u know right!!! this is a song that ppl wanna lose their virginity to!!!
Mel: what?! really? HAHAHA!!!
Kist: seriously!
After that, i got to acquire the taste of Muse! and Supermassive Black Hole is Hell Of A SEXY! and come to think of it, what Kist said was kinda true in many ways :D HAHAHA!
...random thoughts...
Edward Cullen is mineeeeeeeee! Jacob is all yours! *GRINS* trust me Jacob Black is the HOTTEST character in the movie i tell ya! *wink wink*
I rate Twilight 8/10!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
and also another BIG thank you to my cousin who blogged about me! hahahaha! i actually laughed reading her hilaaaarious post :D go read the entry at Kim Tan !
OH and a super duper special thanks to KIST, my bitch.. who went all the way to McDonalds in the middle of the night just to wish me on msn! and she also had some other ppl with her, like Shaun, our student council president and Joshua, haha the most knowledgeable form 1 dude i have ever met to wish me!
I'm so thankful that I'm surrounded by really great people!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog.
Starting time : 11:47
Name : Melissa Tan May Ling
Sisters : 0
Brothers : 0
Shoe size : 5-6
Height : 5'2 plus?
Where do you live : Taman Supreme, KL
Favorite drinks : SMOOTHIES! esp. when it contents all sorts of berries in it! heaven!
Favorite breakfast : An English breakfast
Have you ever been on a plane : Yes
Swam in the ocean : nope :P
Fallen asleep in school : Yes! who hasn't?
Fell off your chair : Yes, but i can only recall vaguely cause it has been awhile since i last fell of a chair!
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : Nah!
Saved e-mails : Yes
What is your room like : It's painted baby pink, pastel purple and pastel green! yeah it's rather girlie! i still display all my barbie dolls in my cupboard (anyone wants them? pls tell me!) my mom says its messy but i say its freaking home man.
What's right beside you : my iPhone, wallet, an empty bowl, a calculator & my Juicy Couture bag.
What is the last thing you ate : Waffle =3
Ever had...
Chicken pox : Yes
Sore throat : Yes
Stitches : Yes! thanks to Kim's dogs ==
Broken nose : Nope
Do you believe in love at first sight : No
Like picnics : Yes, but never really went for a picnic before!
Who was the last person you danced with : er, i can't remember :D
Last made you smile : Jian Rick, Yeong Wei and William
You last yelled at : Jian Rick and Yeong Wei
Talk to someone you like : No, sadly...
Kiss anyone : Nope, only my Baby Bruno :D
Get sick : No
Talked to an ex : er i don't have an ex :D
Miss someone : Yes, =3
Do you sleep with stuffed animals : YEAH!! i have many on my bed.
What's under your bed : DIRT!
Who do you really hate : i don't really hate anyone.
What time is it now : 12:00am
Randoms :
Q : Is there a person who is on your mind right now : No
Q : Do you have any siblings : No, i'm the only child wahaha!
Q : Do you want children : yeah! most ideal, a girl and a boy!
Q : Do you smile often : YES! me famous for me smile!
Q : Do you like your hand-writing : I love it!
Q : Are your toenails painted : not YET
Q : Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in : errr no idea..
Q : What colour shirt are you wearing : i ain't wearing a shirt! :P
Q: What were you doing at 7:00pm yesterday : hmm, "stoning"
Q: I can't wait to : celebrate my birthday!
Q: When did you cry last : i don't remember!
Q: Are you a friendly person: yeah, i think i am :D
Q: Do you have any pets : 2 dogs :) nicole and bruno
Q: Where is the person you have feelings for right now : how would i know pfft :P
Q: Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now? : maybe *grins*
Q: Do you sleep with the TV on? : No
Q: What are you doing right now? : Skype-ing with Jian Rick and Yeong Wei :D
Q: Have you ever crawled through a window? : YES!
Q: Can you handle the truth? : Not very good at it but yeah i can.
Q: Are you closer to your mother or father? : Mommy
Q: Who was the last person you cried in front of? : dont remember.
Q: How many people can you say you've really loved? : 1
Q: Do you eat healthy? : Yes!
Q: Do you still have pictures of you & your ex?: i don't have an ex? haha
Q: Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you? : Yeah
Q: How often do you go to church?: I'm a freethinker
Q: If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to? : I would usually keep everything to myself.
Q: Are you loud or quiet most of the time?: Quiet.
Q: Are you confident?: Yes, most of the time.
Q: Favorite Quote: I don't wanna friend you liao!! HAHAHA
Q: Things I was doing 10 years ago: eat.sleep.poop
Q: Things on my to-do list today.
1. Go out, maybe.
2. Work out!
Q: 5 snacks I enjoy..
1. OREO!
2. Chips!!
3. Chocolateee
4. French Fries!
5. Chicken Floss :D
Q: 5 things I would do if I were a billionaire.. (By Order)
1. Build my dream home in Beverly Hills!
2. Have homes around the world!
3. Have my own fashion line!
4. Give my parents whatever they want!
Q: 5 of my bad habits..
1. Speaking to loudly!
2. Swearing too much.
3. Annoying ppl when i'm bored.
4. Shouting at ppl
5. Calling ppl names
Q: 5 places I have lived in..
1. Toronto, Canada
2. KL, Malaysia
3. KL, Malaysia
4. KL, Malaysia
5. KL, Malaysia
Q: 5 jobs I've had..
1. Dance performances
2. Helping my mom with her work. (yeah i got paid :P)
3. ...that
5. ...all
Q: 5 people I tag..
- Kim
- Sach
- Aiza
- Mich Lee
- Rach
anyway i had a a fun time with mom!
Btw i ain't able to paste my pictures after cutting them! i'm so mad right now. If you know whats wrong PLS PLS PLS tell me why! thank u.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
How can i ever forget?
its 8:07 am and im awake! why am i doing up so early? gosh.... maybe i shall go back to sleep later! wahahaha! looking at all those pictures makes me miss school so much =( and to face the fact that next year is gonna be my last year in Sri Garden is pretty depressing.. sometimes i wish how ideal it would be to just turn back time and do things differently, but seriously... whatever had happen in the past was meant to happen. so i've got no regrets with what i said or what i did in the past cause i wouldn't have truned out this way if it wasn't for all my actions in the past, so i'm actually quite glad how my form 4 ended for me :)
I'm currently still in shock?!!
...................... excited!
...................... sleepy... HA HA!
xo xo,
Friday, November 14, 2008
my GOLD!

Mom: something is waiting at home for u! your FAVORITE!
Mel: *half a sleep* == a camera????????!
Mom: i don't know, you go home and see for yourself.
Mel: ohhh it's a camera for sure! *celebrates inside :D:D:D:D*
OH yeah! my daddy bought me a Gold Canon IXUS 870 IS for me birthday!!!! gawdddd i'm sooo happy that i don't ever have to face any troubles of taking perfect shots anymore! my previous camera was a sony and it was the definition of lousy, i do not recommend anyone to buy a sony camera! period. even though sony digital cameras are slick and colourful, they don't catch my eye anymore because i know how unfriendly and MEAN they can be grr.
and ohh kim, you don't have to bore me with your "grandmother" naggings anymore to get a new camera! YAY! :P
sigh, holidays are finally here but why don't i feel how i'm suppose to feel? haha i guess i'll miss you guys!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
well this week of school has been quite a bore, nevertheless i still had my moments of laughter and fun! :D SG's year end concert is tomorrow and i ain't going which is pretty sad cause i never miss such events! but oh well, it was pretty last minute and i will be going out with classmates to pavilion AGAIN!!! HAHA :D gonna watch a movie or two i think..
i've been sweating and working my muscles to the max lately!!! arent ya proud of me? well i am proud to say, i think my whole diet plan is working! and i am starting to love sports now! teehee :D played badminton with lz, steven, austin and ben today after school, felt so alive and hyped up! i know right, Melissa playing badminton? HAHA weird :P my first time playing this year! not too bad i suppose!
Good Luck to all who are running for student council!
xo xo,
Saturday, October 25, 2008
It's gonna be a night to remember....*dance dance*
even with so much enthusiasm in me, i didn't enjoy it very much, every scene was soooooo cheesy and cliche! Gabriella goes away, Troy brings her back...they sing sing sing dance dance dance..happily ever after! hahaha, the worse part was most scenes were over exaggrated like what Sean said, they kinda over did everything! oh and the whole story line is almost the same as HSM 2, i would love to tell you but i'm gonna be nice and not be a spoiler! go watch it and you'll know what i mean haha!
but i've got no regrets watching it though, i enjoyed feasting my eyes on Zac's bod (if you know what i mean) :P and it was fun hanging out with my friends :) oh oh! and there were 2 groups of Sri Garden students in the same cinema!! when the show ended, i saw Melissa Rusli and gang and was shocked and real happy to see Shaun :D the funny thing was that i actually thought about him while watching the movie! (shaun, don't go all perasan on me huh!) HA HA HA! whaaaat, i'm clearly aware he is a big fan of HSM :)
right after the movie, we went down for Madam Kwan's. While walking, we spotted many groups of Sri Garden students! hahaha, Pavilion was kinda flooded with cream and green uniforms! hee!
Kist joined us in the midst of Madam Kwan's :D she was still wearing her prefect uniform which i thought was something else!! cause she wore it in such a sloppy manner! gosh... what would ppl think of Sri Garden prefects huh?! tsk lol
YAY! 2 days of hols for us! :D sleep somemore. today i woke up with a bad neck! barely could move! its so much better now all thanks to my best friend, yoko yoko he is japanese HAHAHA wtf ==!! sounds jap what!
thats all for tonoight me lovelies! HEHE
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Chris, surgery? how in the world can i undergo HAIR SURGERY! dude... hahahaha :D
anyway, I'm sure most of you know i have FINALLY!! yes finally! went for a haircut after complaining and months of baring up with my thick, long, out of shaped broom of a hair.. OK maybe it isn't that bad but it's partially true :D
on Monday, i went to the usual hair dressers! A Cut Above to find Mr. senior stylist, George... he is highly recommended by me! he does the most thorough job on my hair.. haha well that's maybe because i only go like twice a year to cut my hair?! *grins* it took him 1 hour and 45 mins to painstakingly complete the haircut! sit till sien man.. but totally worth all the butt aches :P
let me tell you something i have experienced when George wasn't around.. so this handsome macho man served me. I was so pissed because it only took him like 10 mins to cut my frigging hair!!! == gawd... and there wasn't much difference to my hair. how useless!! especially when i'm paying him RM90++!! he should be fired for goodness sake! lol yes i am one mean person :D
sigh.. anyway i'm more than pleased with the cut!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
After 1000 Years
today was awesome! went out with a bunch of friends to pavilion to hang and shop :D:D
AND AND we watched the most HILARIOUS movie of the year! GAWDDDD i laughed sooo much throughout the whole zombies-eating-human-beings part! yeah we watched Flight of The Living Dead! yeah so if you wanna have a good laugh! go watch it :D Just a warning, it might be a little gruesome :P that's why its 18SG. Jac couldn't take it, she left half way and got Lee Zen worried! aww haha she said she couldn't stand looking at the zombies face == but i thought they were real funny! especially when the zombies were biting the humans hand while a doggie! he he he!
Thought they were going to buy House Bunny, wanted to watch it so bad! oh well i shall go watch it with my mom i guess :D
Jac and i visited Forever 21 for how many times? 4? hahaha!! Jac kept on saying she wanted to get something BUT she ended up getting...NOTHING == and me the one who kept repeating myself about how i aint gonna buy anything...bought a leopard printed top!!!
well, you can't blame me.. it was something i have been looking for.
hahahahaha i'm sure you guys must be thinking "OMG MEL IS ALIVE!" haha yeah ive not blogged in 1000 years! like what my cousin just told me hours ago!
well here i am! :D
woot! exams are over! oh man i cant believe that 2008 is ending so soon... WAE???!! ooouh wae!? LOL
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Good Morning World!
woot i'm still in my pjs :P
Saturday, August 30, 2008
KLCC Outing!
they ran out of nice bojari so we had nasi FAT! hehe
After lunch, Cass was still hungry! omg i was up to my throat and she was still hungry haha! she she kept demanding for New Zealand ice cream but too bad we didn't have enough time cause our movie was starting soon, so she bought a bucket of popcorn!!
We watched Babylon, one movie i wouldn't bother to watch but we had no other choice! Surprisingly i liked it despite all the confusing in between the movie haha, Cass, Rach and I were the only ones who were laughing and giving unecessary comments HAHA! it was so funny cause nobody else laughed or said anything... kinda weird ==
Mel: why is he touching her boobies??!!
ppl in the cinema: *silent*
Cass: SHUT UP MEL! omg
Cass left after the movie, we visited her dad's boutique for awhile and started camwhoring hehe!
I remember when we were planning this whole trip to KLCC, they were thinking so hard about what to wear on the day.. it was like from formal to BEACH FEEL hahaha you guys are hilarious haha! oh yes and when Kyean kept saying beach feel i thought she said BITCH FEILD ==
Ya Yen, a real sweetheart.
mirrors = camwhore time
after walking one FAT round we ended up at The Apartment!