Rachel's super belated birthday celebration on the 5th of March! well in actually fact, her birthday was on the 12th of Feb, woah! just realize the big delay over there, who would even bother to celebrate after a month? haha! that's why Rachel's special and my friend :) there were many times the dinner was supposed to happen but somehow didn't materialize cause not everyone could make it and yadayada.
wokay, moving on! Rach had already decided on what kind of food she wanted, which was Thai for dinner. rach and i are pretty much TomYam freaks so you can't blame us if we are always so hot and spicy yeah? ;) hahahaha!
at first i suggested Amarin in Megamall because their TomYam is absolutely the Best and you can trust me on that! but unfortunately they closed on us cause apparently they are in the midst of upgrading. boohoo. couldn't think of anywhere else so Flying Chillies it was! located in The Gardens on the top most floor. food there was a wee bit disappointing but all that mattered was the company.
zen and i had to wait for 4 ladies who were utterly late for dinner. long story so not gonna talk about it here cause you might laugh at how silly it is. anyway :) thank goodness traffic wasn't so bad they reach at about 9.30pm? SO EARLY HOR? ppl starving already man haha. and supposedly the last call for food already but we matimati sat down for some food anyway cause, well there is NO cause. we were famished and needa FOOD!
camwhoring while waiting is a must!
meowmeow pressent for rachu!
pictures when they had finally arrived! :D
isn't she the CUTEST thing ever?
they tried to look cute too but failed :(
just look at the natural on the right! hehe
zen who was the thorn among the roses :)
those sexy blue eyes, keeling meh!
ofifia, my beyotch :P
tomyam is gooooooooood!

sweet and sour duck!
earlier in the afternoon i decided to give a little surprise for the bday girl cause i'm awesomeeeeeee! the other girls were involved too, well actually just kyean. others were a weebit blur hehe.
it was a successful surprise cause she was absolutely shocked and touched!!! :D i'm sure she was lah anyway :P
*when they started playing the happy birthday song,
rach: ohmygod melllllllll~
mel: HEHEHEHE!!! :D
was all so happy to see her surprised face!! SUCCESS!

hey rachu, if you're reading this... just wanna say love ya loads! having you around has been such fun cause you know you're pretty much of a joker ;) always so cute and blur :P
remember..always stay strong hun, don't let things bring you down.. if they do, you know i'd be there :) awwww.. i know.
and hey i wanna see you wear the smexy dress i bought cha k?!! :D soon! we go "crubbing"!!

making a wish
my pretty friend
Rachel and I
hiao-ing with my man
shame on u!!! tsk.
and another one! boobsy one somemore!! :O *pokes*
look at how terrified he looks! hehe
more pictures!!!
i have such crazy friends :3
we were all supposed to pout :3

forgive me, a D7000 ain't easy to camwhore with :/

pretending to be the birthday girl! hah!

us at mun's gorgeous garden

okay that's one sharp knife

hoped ya had fun rachuuuu!
okay, you have no idea how long this post took me thanks to the eccentric internet connection. i can keel you!
credits to chiamleezen for the pictures
well till next time!