I know i have been inefficient when it comes to updating my blog and yadayada but for the past few weeks there were just a full load of assignments and more assignments, i even had to go back to college during my one week of study break to just practice for our play (a big percentage over there so had to be serious) and now i'm in the midst of my finals, doesn't make things easier, do they? thank goodness there's a holiday tomorrow, gives me some time to continue on this :) 3 more papers and i'm done!
anyway, carrying on...
Max at iHaus it was! a fine dining western restaurant. it also displays furniture that are purchasable :)
Had a little tough time finding the place but we got there safe and sound :)
the Birthday girl drove us there, she's one kamikaze driver! haha no lah but she's skilled!

mun yee has been a good friend of mine ever since year 6. she's an absolute darling i must say!
a very carefree kinda person :) also owns the cutest cheeks EVER!
hehe behbeh damn lucky right? pfft. :P
she has never changed ever since we met, as child like as ever! :D
I love You sugarbums :3

Rachu! the bunny rabbit, cause she happens to look like one :O haha no lah. *wrinkles nose*

more pictures of the birthday girl and i :)

Mun got so devastated about how her polaroids turned out, i mean how they DIDN'T turn out! tofu white. sigh. she complained to the bf about the incident and said he bought her lousy camera all, in reply he said face problem. :O LAWLz. i have a funny feeling she set the settings wrongly that's why there was too much exposure :3 but damn sweet, behbeh got a polaroid camera for her birthday present and promised to subsidize for the film LOL :')
only one precious Successful shot of all of us :)

Seafood Pasta tomato base

Cabonara :3

Aglio Olio Seafood Pasta


the sweet tooth :D

siao char boh oli :D i'm one too, behind the scene only :P

with Ya Yen :)

Rach and I in the car...

...on our way to SOHO KL :)

can you not be so slim when you eat all the brownies you want? pfft. >=(

spontaneous manicure sessions for all of us except for the party pooper olivia :P
naw we still wuv u :3

yay! show off our pretty manicured nails :)

we so Kawaii ^_^v
Dinner time!
the usual dilemma, What to eat?
zomg i totally forgot the name of the restaurant :( sigh. was too distracted by the chef who was literally selling his food and bragging on about how great HIS food is :P HAHAHA! he was spot on, right timing and right target. we were just walking along the streets and stopped by an Italian restaurant and starting browsing through the menu, all of a sudden a dude in his chef outfit barged out to welcome us in "i give you something special, complimentary! just for you!" "next bring your boyfriends ah?" "when you taste my steak ah, you will definitely say something one" errr.. HAHAHAHA! we did fall for his persuasiveness and ended up having a great meal :)
he served us complimentary soup :3 mushroom and minestrone! yummy. what a sweet chef!

i would never order such a fattina drink cause it would go straight to my bumbum :P
just posing with mun's choc indulgence.

i love her hair :(

my leopard print nails :3

minestrone soup

aiya over exposed :( oh well. i had the mushroom soup and it was very good!

the avocado, apple salad

our steak, perfect texture!
i would definitely go there again for the steak!

Seafood pasta was really good, a lil spicy too. Appetizing :)

nail art obsession :)

vulgarity. Not. HAHAHA! inside joke. pfft.

my leopard wallet :D
it's a gift!

the night doesn't end here ;)
after "party" at mun's place coming up next!
be back for more!